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Nottingham Secondary Academy


Governance for the Nottingham Academy

Each Academy within the Greenwood Academies Trust has its own Advisory Council (AAC) that works closely with each Principal. 

The Academy Advisory Council (AAC) is a small group and has staff parental and community representation. It is not, however, the same as a traditional governing body as it has no legal responsibilities. These responsibilities are held by the GDFT Trust Board.

The Nottingham Academy Advisory Council will be expected to meet at least termly and AAC members are encouraged to play an active part in the day to day life of the Academy.

The role of the Nottingham Academy Advisory Council

The AAC has three key roles:

1.     To advise and act as a critical friend to the Principal of the Academy and to advise the Board of Directors of the Greenwood Academies Trust about local issues they need to consider that affect the Academy.  
2. To represent the interests of the Academy community in the running of the Academy and to represent the Academy in its community.
3. To provide support to the Principal of the Academy in undertaking appropriate day to day procedures that are essential to the life of the Academy, such as disciplinary and complaints procedures.

Membership of the Nottingham Academy Advisory Council

  • Up to four community members
  • A minimum of two parent members of a pupil at the Academy
  • Up to two members of staff at the Academy
  • The Principal of the Academy
  • Trust Senior Education Adviser

Academy Council Meetings - Academic Year 2022 - 2023

  • 13th October 2022
  • 24th November 2022
  • 23rd February 2023
  • 22nd June 2023